ICML 2006 - accepted papers
The PDF copies of accepted papers is now available. Check out paper no. 107.
My musings on assortment of things ranging from politics, computer technology and programming to sports.
The PDF copies of accepted papers is now available. Check out paper no. 107.
In the post acts_as_classifier I had mentioned that the Bayesian classifier in the gem classifier needs some work. After, that I got some emails asking me more details about what it needs, I will briefly mention some of the points which I think can improve it. The current gem is absolutely ok, the features below will just add more value to it, and may help in improving classification accuracy.
Consider a scenario where you have a blog, and you want to prevent spam comments, but don't want to use captcha as they are bad from accessibility standpoint. What is the solution, in steps `acts_as_classifiable'. Use a Bayesian classifier to distinguish between spam and non-spam and if the comment is flagged as a spam, use a captcha based solution or reject it. Or maybe you want to track the preferences of each user and then based on that make suggestions to them. `acts_as_classifiable' can help in both scenarios and several other. Currently I use it for the web application at Kreeti.com.
gem install classifier --include-dependencies
create_table :classifier_models, :force => true do |t|
t.column :identifier, :int
t.column :classifiable_type, :string, :null => false
t.column :data, :blob
class Comment < ActiveRecords::Base
acts_as_classifiable :fields => ["text"], :categories => ["Spam", "Legit"]
@comment.train :legit
@comment.train :spam
@comment.untrain :spam
Comment.train @comments, @classifications
@comment.train :legit, @user.id
The Beta site has gone live. The ideas is that people can share their jokes, narrations, recipes, and verses with each other, then comment upon them and rate them. It is also possible to subscribe to rss feeds and follow the top or recent items in each category. Also, kreetis or creations can be assigned different tags, and then searched upon based on the tags. There are also tag specific rss feeds.
If you are new to writing research papers then, I will suggest first reading this article. A technical paper should have some standard, before it can be considered worth reviewing; otherwise most reviewers will immediately reject it. Though, my experience of reviewing is only limited to computer science research papers, but I think my analysis here is quite general and should be applicable to other sciences also.
Using Ruby on Rails has been fun. An important part of developing a web application is making sure that most of the security loopholes are plugged in. Here are few basic things which should be checked and fixed in any security audit: