Smorgasbord - Politics, Lisp, Rails, Fencing, etc.

My musings on assortment of things ranging from politics, computer technology and programming to sports.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

On this day:

Amritsar - Wagah Border

Besides the Golden Temple, we also went to Wagah Border for the ceremonial changing of the guard at dusk. One should reach there at least one hour before sunset, to be able to comfortably go in and get a good seat.
As soon as people are seated, Hindi patriotic songs such as are played, and between songs the host leads people to shout the slogans 'Hindustan Zindabad', 'Bharat Mata Ki Jai', 'Jai Hind' and 'Vande Matram'. There is even some dancing and Bhangra to some of the songs. The whole atmosphere is filled with excitement and anticipation.
Then the spectacle begins. One would expect the drill to be some smart looking show, but in reality it looks funny than anything else. The soldiers march, and while saluting they raise their foott above head height (which is well more than 6 and half feet, because of the excess heel in their shoes) without bending the back. The way both Indian and Pakistani soldiers march and try to outdo each other, is really humorous.
Finally, the flag is lowered and this marks the end of the show.


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6.「框出」前,請試探性詢問客人可能去處,或主動邀約在附近吃消夜。「客人經營」篇任何一家酒店內的紅牌公關,絕對不是最漂亮的,但肯定是最【用心】的!為何紅牌小姐,不用那麼犧牲與付出也能賺到很多錢?為什麼呢?!紅牌公關的努力,妳只是沒看到而已,在此我們建議幾個方向:1.調整酒店小姐面對客人的心態:不是每位客人都愛亂吃豆腐,妳越害怕的話就越容易弄巧成拙,對妳有好感的客人,一定想辦法表現紳士風度,(就像男生剛追求我們時猛獻殷勤,一直表現自己的優點) 因此面對客人的態度大方即可!2.努力培養自己的特色與強項:每個男人的眼光都不一樣,去酒店的動機也不一樣,喜歡的感覺更不一樣,因此有各種不同類型的公關,酒店內生態才可以平衡。有的姐妹適合帶氣氛,有的適合拼酒,有的適合聊天酒店坐檯打屁..等等,就如同我們有人喜歡帥哥偶像,有人喜歡諧星!這些都是個人特色,也直接關係妳的收入多寡。3.事先模擬客人的類型:客人的類型有很多種~拼酒型~戀愛型~好色型~聊天型~犯賤型~談公事型~投其所好型~心情不好型等等!能夠應付越多種,就表示交際手腕越強 !面對不同類型,自己可以研擬各種固定KTV酒店劇本,或學習其他公關的應對方式。4.透過問候來增加互動:現在通訊軟體發達,尤其在【非上班時間】傳問候、關心等簡訊,多方經營會有相對回報的。5.投其所好的情報:透過幹部、行政,或多或少都有相關客人的情報,所謂知彼知己,才能讓自己如魚得水。「臨檢」篇就像在夜店、KTV臨檢相同,只是例行公務且主要針對「未成年」、「非本國籍(無工作證)」、「是否被家人舉報為失蹤人口」、「現場是否有違禁品」等,也不會留下紀錄。只要如實配合即可,不用過分擔心。「增加節數」篇除了調整經營客人的手腕外(後續文章有提到),有以下方向:1.請誠實面對體重機,別聽客套話,身材「走針」自己要負最大責任,調整身材、外表永不嫌晚。2.換套禮服試試,改變心情很重要,況且要用男人角度來看,畢竟男女審美觀大不同。3.嘗試不同彩妝師的風格,一樣的花費,也許會有不同加分效果。4.多和幹部與姊妹互動,酒店首重人際關係,那怕是少爺都有機會幫八大行業我們【拱節數】。人與人是相對的,什麼作為都沒嘗試,老天不會平白無故眷顧我們。5.調整自己的上班時段。「早一點的班」與「固定班別」都會加分,如有些公關快11點才到班,別人都坐完一桌了,妳才姍姍來遲?而固定班別會讓幹部與客人,更容易點妳的檯。因為男人到酒店,大部分都要向家人、女友掰理由,無法想去就去。酒店大環境不會因為我們而改變,但可以透過小細節的努力來達到增加節數,畢竟酒店工作就是和時間賽跑。酒店坐檯「對話互動」篇『如何和客人聊天?』簡單說就是態度大方、事前準備充足。依照我們多年經驗,越是畏畏縮縮,反而讓客人越想灌酒吃豆腐。若妳平日有準


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